Julia Butler

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Honor Council Participation App

Note: I do have a GitHub repository for this project. However, I have not made it public since the source code contains private credentials used to access the Google Sheet.

After being elected by the student body to the Undergraduate Honor Council in the Fall 2019 semester, I overheard the Executive Board discussing some problems about participation in casework. I reviewed the spreadsheet that they were using to track participation and began to brainstorm helpful tools/statistics to help them recognize who might be a good fit for casework. During the summer of 2020, I began to research tools that could help me accomplish this project.

As I embarked on this project, it was only after my first year of college and I had only taken the general computer science course (CSCI 141). Additionally, the only 2 coding languages that I was fairly proficient in were JavaScript and Python. This was one of the many challenges I faced while completing the application. Nonetheless, I focused on what I had learned in my computer science class which included the PyQt5 library to build the GUI.

Another obstacle I had to face was ensuring that if the application crashed, that the data could still be accessed. After doing some research, I came across the Google Drive API for Python. I was then able to create a Google Sheet, which was very similar to what the Executive Board was used to, and access the spreadsheet data in my Python source code.

The only downside to this API is its performance. It was clear after the first test I ran that it took a significant amount of time for the API to read all the data and then update it. My solution to this problem was to simply take a few seconds prior to displaying the GUI to read all of the data into Python arrays (one for each attribute) and allow the user to access data from those arrays. During this pre-launch process, other statistics/reports would also be generated. However, it still takes some time for data to be changed or updated.

Overall, this application's functionality can be summarized into 4 parts:

  1. Providing statistics from the Google Sheet in a user interface
  2. Calculating averages, minimums, and maximums of the Council's overall casework
  3. Writing brief summaries of each members' contributions to casework
  4. Suggesting certain members of Council for certain types of casework based on major/minor, foreign language knowledge, and participation statistics

Lastly, there are a couple aspects of this project that I would like to change in the future. Firstly, at the time I was making this application, I did not have a good understanding of efficiency. There are several sections of code that could be faster. Specifically, there are some nested for-loops that could be eliminated. Since the API already takes a lot of time updating data, it is important for me to make the rest of the app as fast as possible. On the topic of efficiency, I mentioned previously that I used Python arrays for every attribute logged in the Google Sheet. In the future, I would like to explore other solutions to this because I do not think this is the best option. Finally, after studying software development, I would like to go through the code and refactor it as necessary. There could be some chunks of code that could be made into functions to make it more readable. Also, while I do have comments in my code, I think more comments would be necessary for the future when I am no longer a member of the Undergraduate Honor Council and someone else wants to maintain the app.

In summary, despite the issues I ran into when initially implementing my ideas, the Honor Council has adopted my app as its main method of tracking participation, identifying members who have completed substantial casework, and determining which members are most suitable for casework.

Feel free to watch this video of my app in action!